Co-funded by the European Union

General information

Photo on slider: Łukasz Bień


6th June 2024

Moderator: Monika Adamczuk

08.45 – 09.00 – Registration

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Social Sciences , room no. S209

09.00 – 09.20 – Opening ceremony

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Social Sciences , room no. S209

  • Piotr Stepnowski – Rector of the UG
  • Sylwia Mrozowska – Vice-Rector, Coordinator of the task GOES GREENER

09.20 – 10.20 – We include gender in research – Awards Gala

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Social Sciences , room no. S209

  • Ewa Łojkowska, MINDtheGEPs Project Coordinator
  • Krzysztof Bielawski, Head of Contest Commission
  • Dominika Goik, Adam Konopka, Patrycja Juchniewicz, Julia Wyrzykowska, Marianna Mazur, Karolina Matusiak

Speeches by prize winners:

  • Dominika Goik What HIIT (High-intensity interval training) induced changes in a proteome can tell us about pregnant women’s health? (Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnoloy UG&MUG)
  • Adam Konopka – On birth control in Polish People’s Republic. A Discourse-Historical analysis (Faculty of Languages UG)
  • Patrycja Juchniewicz – X-chromosome inactivation in metabolic disorders and in healthy individuals (Faculty of Biology UG)

10.20 – 11.45 – Local small steps towards green transformation at HEI’s: progress and results of SEA-EU universities

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Social Sciences , room no. S209

  • Yves Quere – A bottom-up approach at UBO with the Innovative and Sustainable Campus: 2024 project’s overview, University of Western Brittany in Brest, Co-leader of the task GOES GREENER
  • Margarida Ribau Teixeira – Actions towards a more sustainable UAlg,  University of Algavre
  • Alessandro Sapio – A Circular Spring at Uni Parthenope, University of Parthenope in Naples
  • Mathilde Moe Strand – Eco-Lighthouse certification at Nord University, Nord University
  • Helena Fechner – Journey towards a culture of sustainability at CAU University of Kiel, University of Kiel
  • José Luis García Morales – Commitment to sustainability at the University of Cádiz: Example of good practice University of Cádiz
  • Smiljana Pivčević – Paving the ways to SDGs, University of Split
  • David C. Magri – The Committee for Sustainability (C-Sum): A Progress Report, University of Malta
  • Krzysztof Szczepaniak – Green University, University of Gdansk

12.00 – 13.00 – Lunch

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Social Sciences

16.00 -18.00 – Green Chart – workshop

  • Dom Zdrojowy (Cure House) Hevelianum

Moderators: Magdalena Żadkowska and Elżbieta Czapka

Check SDGs Declaration by the SEA-EU Alliance

18.00 – 20.00 – Conference dinner

  • Dom Zdrojowy (Cure House) Hevelianum

7th June 2024

Host of the event: Monika Adamczuk

09.00-09.15 – Start with yourself – measuring your personal carbon footprint (game)

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology, room no. 022 (groud floor)

09.15 – 10.30 – Sustainable Development Day at the University of Gdansk – sharing good practices

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology, room no. 022 (groud floor)

  • Barbara Pawłowska (Faculty of Economy UG)
  • Beata Grobelna (Faculty of Chemistry UG)
  • Magdalena Markiewicz (Faculty of Economy UG)
  • Artur Giełdoń (Faculty of Chemistry UG)

10.30 – 12.00 – The SEA-EU green transformation in practice – Speed talking session with poster session

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology, hall next to patio (groud floor)

Joanna Morawska – Introduction to poster session: A Roadmap to sustanability

Poster session:

  1. Helena Fechner, J. Garcia, J. Blendl​ – Innovation Challenge​. Leading Kiel University to an innovative culture of sustainability​, Kiel University
  2. Yves Quéré, T. Murovec, I. Paul-Pont, F. Le Pape, R. Chanvry Le Pape, L. Koullen, Y. Hsana, J. Bauzac, M. Morin, G. Albacete, M-A. Lacroix Recyc’lab. Plastic recycling in research Laboratories, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
  3. Vânia Serrão Sousa, M. Ribau Teixeira Research Towards Sustainability​. Innovative Water Solutions​, University of Algarve
  4. Vânia Serrão Sousa, M. Ribau Teixeira Greening Our Campus. Building Sustainable Projects for a Better Future. Workshop + Contest, University of Algarve
  5. Maria Dolores Coello, A.A. Franco del Pino, R. Rodríguez-Barroso, J.L. García-Morales Commitment to sustainability at the University of Cádiz. Example of good practice, University of Cádiz
  6. Krzysztof Szczepaniak, A. Wojewnik-Filipkowska, ​J. Mrozek-Kwiatkowska, R. Kowalski CIR-CO-WAY Polish-Norwegian way to the circular cooperation in industrial, science and technology parks–University of Gdansk
  7. Estera Rintz, M. Ziemian, B. Kobus, L. Gaffke, K. Pierzynowska, G. Wegrzyn ​– Synergistic Effects of Resveratrol and Enzyme Replacement Therapy in the Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I, University of Gdańsk
  8. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Á. del Fresno-Díaz, G. Celikkol, M. Żadkowska, M. Dziedzic, I. RaszczykGender stereotypes & gender equality in research, in actions and institutions: insights from 4 international research projects​, University of Gdańsk
  9. Justyna Berniak-Woźny, Sliż, J. Siciński, M. Balbuza-KudzianGreen processes in organizations in Poland, University of Gdańsk
  10. Mikołaj Kamiński, R.S. Liu, S. Mahlik Short-wave infrared (SWIR) emission​ in Mg1-yGa2-xO4: xCr3+, yNi2+, University of Gdańsk
  11. Sylwia Klińska-Bąchor, K. Demski, A. Lucas, Y. Gong, A. Banaś Biochemical characteristics of Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 2b from. Phaeodactylum tricornutum and its application in LC-PUFAs production in planta, University of Gdańsk
  12. Magdalena Miodyńska, O. Cavdar, A. Pieczyńska, P. Mazierski, A. Zaleska-Medynska H2OforAll:​ Innovative Integrated Tools and Technologies to Protect and Treat Drinking Water from Disinfection By products (DBPs)​, University of Gdańsk
  13. Marta Flis-Świeczkowska The impact of the form of carrying out procedural activities and the course of criminal proceedings on the risk of secondary victimization among minor victims – preliminary conclusions from file research, University of Gdańsk
  14. Piotr Zieliński, K. Makarowska The right to Equitable Access​. The right to equitable access to health care and essential medicines, University of Gdańsk
  15. Sylwia Mrozowska, B. Kijewska, J. Mrozek, K. Szczepaniak REGIONS2030: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions – Filling the data gaps, University of Gdańsk
  16. David C. Magri, G. Spiteri, R. Saliba, S. Naveed , M. Arraut Green Revolution: University of Malta’s Commitment to Sustainability, University of Malta
  17. Gabrijela Matić, L. Najev Čačija, S. Pivčević, M. Ugrina, N. Vukojević Medvidović Nudges for Greener Transformation in line with SDGs, University of Split
  18. Alessia Flaminio, A. Pellecchia, D. Autore, G. Franco, P. M. Falcone, I. Tutore, Sapio, S. Bartoletto,  A. Leo Eco-friendly Tampon Box: Breaking taboos for sustainability and social responsibility, University of Naples Parthenope
  19. Bartosz Duraj Political Factors for Energy Transition in Poland and Slovakia (2004-2020), University of Gdańsk
  20. Judyta Borchet Exploring parentification in Polish adolescents, University of Gdańsk 

12.00 – 12.45 – ESG Reporting in Higher Education Institution’s

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology, room no. 022 (groud floor)

Aleksandra Pepłowska, Deloitte, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe

13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology (groud floor)

14.00 – 15.00 – Future projects (optional)

  • University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Philology, room no. 022 (groud floor)

16.00 – 18.00 – Tour of old city Gdansk (optional)

Additional information

Awards Gala

Present the research of winners

Awards Gala

As part of the EU Horizon 2020 project “Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans” (MINDtheGEPs), led by prof. dr hab. Ewa Łojkowska at the University of Gdańsk, a number of activities are being undertaken to implement the gender equality policy at our university, as set out in the Gender Equality Policy Implementation Plan at the University of Gdańsk – Equality Actions for 2022-2023.

One of the project’s activities is to award annual prizes for the highest-scoring master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, incorporating a gender perspective in the area of research. The call for applications for the second edition of the competition was announced in September, 2023. Graduates awarded a master’s or doctoral degree at the University of Gdańsk between 2022 and 2023 were eligible to apply for this award.

Four awards have been granted: for the highest-rated master’s and doctoral theses in the area of science and life sciences, and for the highest-rated master’s and doctoral theses in the areas of humanities and social sciences.

Small steps towards green transformation at HEI’s: progress and results of SEA-EU universities

Each partner presents the small steps undertaken or planned at their university, about 10 minutes for presentation, possibility to use a projector

Small steps towards green transformation at HEI’s: progress and results of SEA-EU universities

The first SEA-EU project ended with the adoption by the 6 universities of a declaration to work together to create a sustainable European university – SDGs Declaration by the SEA-EU Alliance

Concept: Internal capacity building and allocation of resources to identify gaps, priorities, and opportunities to implement effective sustainability goals. Engagement and participation of all university members in the adoption and implementation of SDGs should be included. Embrace sustainability through all university activities, including teaching, research, dissemination, management, and administration. Identify, share, and develop best-practice procedures for the adoption and implementation of SDGs. Set targets and develop effective monitoring indicators for the implementation of sustainability goals for communication and outreach. Co-create and contribute to the effective adoption of sustainability goals with the SEA-EU associated partners and other stakeholders. Be a role model and consider the carbon footprint when organizing SEAEU activities, with an estimation and dissemination of the travel carbon footprint of at least one consortium governance meeting.

Photo: Łukasz Bień

Green Chart


Green Chart

The aim was to define the thematic scope of the card and create a first draft of the green chart). What to do before coming to Gdansk:

1. Review similar documents:

COPERNICUS-Guidelines for Sustainable Development in the European Higher Education Area

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Green Charter


Suggestions from partners are welcome

2. Rethink about the most important statements/goals we want to achieve

The SEA-EU green transformation in practice

Speed talking with posters

The SEA-EU green transformation in practice

Green transformation of SEA-EU – Speed talking session with the participation of representatives of all groups of the academic community: scientists, students, representatives of administration. It is a space to present both good practices in building a green university in the institutional dimension, as well as presenting scientific research conducted at the University of Gdańsk supporting the implementation of sustainable development goals. The session aims to create a space for free discussion and networking, as well as inspiration for sharing good practices.

Photo: Łukasz Bień

ESG Reporting in Higher Education Institution’s - Deloitte (tbc.)


ESG Reporting in Higher Education Institution’s - Deloitte (tbc.)

A lecture designed to offer a commercial view on the topic – how they see ESG in HEI. We plan a time for discussion.

Future projects


Future projects

Participants interested in developing future project proposals have the opportunity to meet in person. By presenting Small steps, each University will indicate research areas in which it would like to develop future projects. This meeting aims to open discussions on the creation of possible project consortiums.

Awards Gala

As part of the EU Horizon 2020 project “Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans” (MINDtheGEPs), led by prof. dr hab. Ewa Łojkowska at the University of Gdańsk, a number of activities are being undertaken to implement the gender equality policy at our university, as set out in the Gender Equality Policy Implementation Plan at the University of Gdańsk – Equality Actions for 2022-2023.

One of the project’s activities is to award annual prizes for the highest-scoring master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, incorporating a gender perspective in the area of research. The call for applications for the second edition of the competition was announced in September, 2023. Graduates awarded a master’s or doctoral degree at the University of Gdańsk between 2022 and 2023 were eligible to apply for this award.

Four awards have been granted: for the highest-rated master’s and doctoral theses in the area of science and life sciences, and for the highest-rated master’s and doctoral theses in the areas of humanities and social sciences.

Small steps towards green transformation at HEI’s: progress and results of SEA-EU universities

The first SEA-EU project ended with the adoption by the 6 universities of a declaration to work together to create a sustainable European university – SDGs Declaration by the SEA-EU Alliance

Concept: Internal capacity building and allocation of resources to identify gaps, priorities, and opportunities to implement effective sustainability goals. Engagement and participation of all university members in the adoption and implementation of SDGs should be included. Embrace sustainability through all university activities, including teaching, research, dissemination, management, and administration. Identify, share, and develop best-practice procedures for the adoption and implementation of SDGs. Set targets and develop effective monitoring indicators for the implementation of sustainability goals for communication and outreach. Co-create and contribute to the effective adoption of sustainability goals with the SEA-EU associated partners and other stakeholders. Be a role model and consider the carbon footprint when organizing SEAEU activities, with an estimation and dissemination of the travel carbon footprint of at least one consortium governance meeting.

Photo: Łukasz Bień

Green Chart

The aim was to define the thematic scope of the card and create a first draft of the green chart). What to do before coming to Gdansk:

1. Review similar documents:

COPERNICUS-Guidelines for Sustainable Development in the European Higher Education Area

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Green Charter


Suggestions from partners are welcome

2. Rethink about the most important statements/goals we want to achieve

The SEA-EU green transformation in practice

Green transformation of SEA-EU – Speed talking session with the participation of representatives of all groups of the academic community: scientists, students, representatives of administration. It is a space to present both good practices in building a green university in the institutional dimension, as well as presenting scientific research conducted at the University of Gdańsk supporting the implementation of sustainable development goals. The session aims to create a space for free discussion and networking, as well as inspiration for sharing good practices.

Photo: Łukasz Bień

ESG Reporting in Higher Education Institution’s – Deloitte

A lecture designed to offer a commercial view on the topic – how they see ESG in HEI. We plan a time for discussion.

Future projects

Participants interested in developing future project proposals have the opportunity to meet in person. By presenting Small steps, each University will indicate research areas in which it would like to develop future projects. This meeting aims to open discussions on the creation of possible project consortiums.