The Krakow Technology Park hosted on 11.06.2024 the partners and stakeholders of the CIR-CO-WAY project. In the modern and friendly space of Krakow Technology Park, we organised, together with the project partners, another project workshop entitled “How to seize the opportunity related to the closed loop economy (GOZ) in science, technology and industrial parks”.

The meeting was part of the project ‘Polish – Norwegian way to the circular cooperation in industrial, science and technology parks (CIR-CO-WAY)’, funded by Bilateral EEA and Norway grants 2014-2020, dedicated to Polish-Norwegian cooperation in the area of green transformation and capacity building of Polish parks in the area of GOZ.

The workshop was attended by representatives of the project leader – Pomerania Development Agency, partners – Centre for Sustainable Development UG and Skogmo Industripark from Norway, as well as stakeholders from the Polish side – including the Kraków Technology Park, Science and Technology Park Euro – Centrum from Katowice, Elbląg Technology Park a representative of the Marshal’s Office of Małopolska Voivodeship and representatives of Małopolska companies. Norwegian stakeholders of the project were represented by Trond Norum, CEO of Circular Value Claster, who presented practical examples of creating circular solutions in Norway.

During the meeting, Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska, representing CZRUG, presented the results of the study ‘Challenges in implementing GOZ solutions from the perspective of technology parks’, Åsbjørn Radoslaw Olejnik presented good practices from Skogmo IndustriPark, and Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik and Urszula Woźniak talked about the strategy of including companies in GOZ activities on the example of solutions from the Kraków Technology Park.

The last part of the meeting was extremely fruitful and creative – a practical workshop for representatives of parks and companies, during which they discussed how to overcome the challenges in implementing GOZ solutions in parks and how to translate the ideas developed into specific projects.

The outcome of the meeting was the expansion of networking and the development of a basis for further joint action once the project is completed.

Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska/CZRUG