Dr. Tomasz Dryl is an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk. Academic lecturer at many Polish universities. Trainer conducting trainings and workshops on management for organizations and institutions. Business consultant in the field of management, tourism, marketing.

Dr. Tomasz Dryl is a member of the International Association of the International Engineering and Technology Institute in Hong Kong. He has participated in the scientific and organizational committees of international conferences and symposia.

His professional experience includes many years of academic and research work in management and marketing. He has taught numerous postgraduate courses, including organizational image management, marketing in health care units and management strategies in financial institutions.

Dr. Tomasz Dryl has participated in the implementation of many national and international research projects. He was the regional coordinator of the “Knowledge Transfer Renewable Energy Sources in Poland” project. He served as a project management specialist in the Polish-Portuguese personal exchange in the “Knowledge Transfer” project (Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Government of Portugal). He was a task manager in the NCBiR project). He also participated as an expert in the project “School of Success” funded by the EU ESF and the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Tomasz Dryl focuses on digital marketing, brand management and social media communication. His research covers areas such as brand crisis management, consumer trust in brands, sensory marketing and the application of artificial intelligence in marketing communications. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including articles on stakeholder analysis in infrastructure projects and brand management of medical facilities.