Gdańsk devised a climate change adaptation plan, the assumptions of which will be updated by the Council of the Gdańsk Climate Change Forum. On Friday, 22 October, at the European Solidarity Centre, Ms Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, the Mayor of Gdańsk, appointed the members of the Forum Council. The Gdańsk Climate Change Forum (GCCF) is based on an open planning process. It is forum participants who identify problems and threats related to the ongoing climate change and debate on solutions to them. Residents, groups directly interested, representatives of science, specialists and non-governmental organisations participating in the Forum meetings can express their views on climate change and engage in undertaken actions. Therefore, they have a real impact on decision-making processes related to the changes taking place in the environment.
The Council of the Gdańsk Climate Change Forum consists of a group of experts who will look for solutions to problems identified during previous GCCF meetings. The last, summarising assembly will take place in 2022. This part will again be attended by all those who are willing, involved and interested in the processes of climate change and the possibilities of adapting to or counteracting negative changes, especially in the area of Gdańsk. The participants of the meeting will be able to familiarise themselves with the solutions recommended by the Forum Council, and then submit their comments.
[KS]Fot. Miasto Gdańsk