Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska, until now a project manager at the Centre for Sustainable Development of the UG, has taken up the role of coordinator of the project ‘BALTICBEAT – Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic’ funded by the Interreg South Baltic programme from 2 September 2024. The project leader is the University of Gdansk and the project will be implemented at the WNS Institute of Political Science. The project leader is Sylwia Mrozowska, PhD, DSc, Professor UG.

The aim of the BALTICBEAT project is to prepare tools to support local government units, local communities and small and medium-sized enterprises in the energy transition in the South Baltic region. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of, among others, scientists from the University of Gdansk representing various scientific disciplines.

Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska has been involved in the preparation of the BALTICBEAT project from the beginning of the application work, using the experience gained both during project implementation at the University of Gdansk and earlier when she was involved in project management on the commercial market. At the UG, she was involved, among other things, in coordinating the implementation of the regional project ‘Become Competitive with UG’ (enhancing the skills of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises – a project of the Faculty of Law and Administration), the ongoing support of the staff of the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of Social Sciences in the preparation and implementation of national and international projects, and (in recent years) projects implemented by the Centre for Sustainable Development. In addition, she was finance manager of the SEAPLANSPACE project (Interreg South Baltic 2014-2020) from 2018 to 2021.

Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska emphasises that the BALTICBEAT project will allow her to use her knowledge gained during her work at CZRUG and combine it with her interest in educational and awareness-raising projects, increasing competences and obtaining new qualifications of stakeholders.

The BALTICEAT project office is located at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdansk in room D309.

Read more about the BALTICBEAT project:

BALTICBEAT – University of Gdansk project with Interreg South Baltic funding! – The Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdańsk (CZRUG)