In recent years, international migration has been recognised as one of the most important social processes that strongly influences the spheres of politics, economics and cultural identity. This is particularly evident in relation to Poland, which has undergone an accelerated transformation from an emigration country to an emigration-immigration country in a very short period of time. Motivated by a sense of shared responsibility for the effects of changes brought about by migration, especially at the local and regional level, the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdansk opened a new programme, the Migration Observatory, on 1 October 2024.

The Observatory will provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers, practitioners, public administration institutions (both state and local government levels), local communities, non-governmental organisations, entrepreneurs, etc.

As coordinator of the Observatory, the Rector of UG appointed Rafał Raczyński, PhD – political scientist, assistant professor at the Department of International Relations of the UG Institute of Political Science, chief researcher at the Emigration Museum in Gdynia, member of the Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Pomeranian Council for Regional Migration Policy.

“The Migration Observatory aims to monitor and analyse migration processes both on a local, regional and national scale,” says Dr Rafał Raczyński. “Its task is to provide reliable data, expert opinions, reports and analyses that can serve as a basis for decision-making by public authorities, NGOs and the private sector. The Observatory will also conduct research on the integration of male and female migrants, the impact of migration on the labour market and issues related to multiculturalism.”

The scope of the Observatory’s activities covers areas such as:

  • migration data monitoring and analysis: systematic collection and processing of data on migration, including migration flows and the socio-economic situation of migrants;
  • research: conducting interdisciplinary research on various aspects of migration, including its causes, consequences and migration policies;
  • advice and consultancy: supporting public institutions, NGOs and companies in the development and implementation of migration policies and strategies;
  • education and training: organising workshops, seminars and training programmes for officials, NGO staff, students and other stakeholders;
  • international cooperation: establishing partnerships with research centres around the world to exchange knowledge, experience and good practices.

The research and expert activities undertaken by the Migration Observatory are aimed at a wide audience, including:

  • public institutions: local and central authorities who need data and analysis to develop migration policies;
  • NGOs: those working on behalf of migrants and in need of research and advisory support;
  • the private sector: businesses interested in the impact of migration on the labour market and issues related to the employment of migrants;
  • academia: researchers and students who can benefit from the Observatory’s resources and research;
  • local communities: residents of the region for whom access to reliable information on migration can be crucial in building awareness and understanding of social processes.

The Migration Observatory will integrate academic, research and practical activities. Its activities will contribute to a better understanding of the migration phenomenon and support migrant integration processes, while providing key tools to policy makers and other stakeholders.

On 25 October 2024 at 10.00 a.m., the Main Library of the University of Gdansk will host the inauguration ceremony of the Migration Observatory with the participation of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk, Deputy Mayor of the City of Gdansk Monika Chabior, JM Rector of the University of Gdansk, Prof. Dr. Piotr Stepnowski, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development Dr. Sylwia Mrozowska, Prof. UG and representatives of local authorities of the Pomorskie Voivodeship and non-governmental organisations. Those interested in participating in the event are invited to contact us by e-mail:

You can read more about the programme on the website: Obserwatorium Migracji – Centrum Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (CZRUG)