Enactus is a network of leaders committed to using business as a catalyst for positive social and environmental impact. The Enactus programme educates, inspires and supports young people to use innovation and entrepreneurship to solve the world’s biggest problems. The branch at the University of Gdansk has just started recruiting to co-found a student team.
Dear Students,
We invite you to co-create the student Enactus team at the University of Gdańsk!
The team’s activities focus on developing social projects aimed at improving the quality of life and promoting sustainable development in local communities. We are looking for creative, passionate students who are interested in social change and sustainability.
Team members participate in national and international trainings and conferences, gaining knowledge in project management and business skills. Participation is free and open to all UG students, regardless of their field of study.
So, if the state of our planet and the problems of its inhabitants, such as climate change or social inequalities, are important to you, and you are full of ideas, enjoy teamwork, and want to develop your entrepreneurship, then joining the Enactus UG team,
To join, you can contact team leader:
Łukasz Tołoczko at toloczko.lukasz25@wp.pl tel. 516212612, or register directly through the form available athttps://enactus.pl/.
Zespół Enactus UG