University of Gdansk and CZRUG at Edu Offshore Wind Fair
More than 100 members of the UG academic community [...]
CIR-CO-WAY – study visit of a CZRUG delegation to Norway
From 27.02 - 01.03.2024, representatives of the Centre for Sustainable [...]
Seminar on Sustainable Development of project “Universities for Sustainable Development”
Are you interested in Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030 and think that Universities can [...]
Prof Esperazna Diaz on increasing migrants’ access to information on vaccines
"When you don't have good information, you begin to make [...]
Identifying and supporting victims of human trafficking. Two days of IOM training
Students and doctoral students from the University of Gdansk participated [...]
“Cosmophilosophy”. First seminar with Prof. Rick Dolphijn
On Nature and Humanity - this was the topic of [...]
Sustainable development is a development concept that responds to technological progress, the ecological crisis and green ideas of the second half of the 1960s. Its most well-known definition was formulated by the United Nations World Commission for Environment and Development in 1987. According to this, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. As a goal of global politics, the concept of sustainable development was adopted by almost all countries of the world during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 in the form of Agenda 21. In 2015, UN member states unanimously adopted the currently binding and implemented resolution Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was defined as the World Development Strategy until 2030. It contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals to which 169 tasks are assigned. They include measures to reduce poverty, ensure access to education, food and clean water, equal opportunities, to promote human rights, peace and stability in the world, protect the natural environment and mitigate climate change, as well as enable access to sustainable energy sources.