The Czyste Miasto Gdańsk Festival, an ecological city event with the participation of entities committed to environmental protection and sustainable development, has come to an end. Plenty of attractions awaited both children and adults.

The event was organised on Saturday, 1 July at the Gdańsk Targ Węglowy Market. The event was opened by the Mayor of Gdansk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz. The Festival was attended by municipal entities and invited guests, partners working on climate, closed-loop and sustainable development. Among them was the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdansk.

What has CSD UG prepared?

At the stand, it was possible to meet and talk to members of the Centre for Sustainable Development team who took part in the event: Irena Chawrilska, PhD, coordinator of the ‘Culture (for) Sustainable Development’ programme, Bartosz Duraj, coordinator of the ‘Cooperation with the Social Environment’ programme, Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska, CZRUG project manager, Maria Karbowska, Szymon Gronowski and Zuzanna Neubauer, CZRUG intern. Young people and adults eagerly took part in a knowledge quiz on sustainable development with prizes related to the theme of the event. For the youngest, on the other hand, there were ‘made on site’ colouring books prepared by Zuzanna Kijewska.

An exhibition by David Weisbrodt, PhD, coordinator of the CSD UG Education for Sustainability programme, entitled “Anthropocene – how humans dominated the world in 70 years”, was also on display at the “chill” area with deckchairs. In addition to this, the Centre has also prepared a proposal for a stage programme. At the invitation of the CSD UG, Anna Gołąbiewska, PhD, Eng, from the Photocatalysis Laboratory of the Department of Environmental Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of the UG, appeared on stage to talk about how to process waste into useful products and why it is worth doing so.

“The benefits for our environment and society are enormous. It is worth explaining what converting waste into useful products is. This is known as material (mechanical) recycling, the most preferred form of recycling, which is the reprocessing of waste into products of useable value. This is usually a product with a different purpose. This form of treatment is definitely beneficial to our environment and society compared to landfilling,” said Anna Gołąbiewska, PhD.

Other partners taking part in the Clean City Gdańsk Festival included the Zeroban Social Cooperative, which sews products from unwanted banners and other similar materials.

“We operate in the spirit of zero waste and focus on repurposing unnecessary advertising materials such as banners, mesh nets, roll ups. Another idea is to promote environmentally conscious shopping (not wasting materials, caring for the environment) and fair trade – trading on the basis of fair prices resulting from decent wages, supporting local entrepreneurship, caring for quality,” says Patrycja Surowiec from the Zeroban Social Cooperative.

More about the event (PL):

Festiwal Czyste Miasto Gdańsk (