Honorary patronage:
Aleksandra Dulkiewicz
President of the City of Gdańsk

Honorary patronage:
Wojciech Szczurek
President of the City of Gdynia

Honorary patronage:
Mieczysław Struk
Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship
The Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Gdańsk, invites you to participate in the international conference “Science and Education for Sustainable Development”, which will be held on 24th and 25th November 2022 in Gdańsk.
The conference aims to:
We invite you to participate in thematic panels during which you will have the opportunity to discuss with our panellists.
The attendance in the conference is free.
Projekt pn.: „Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Nauka i Edukacja na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju” dofinansowano ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą „Doskonała nauka – Wsparcie konferencji naukowych” , nr projektu: DNK/SP/513639/2021 kwota dofinansowania 56 200,00 zł, całkowita wartość projektu: 63 100,00 zł.
Important dates
8.30–9:00 Participants’ registration
9.00–9.15 Conference opening
- Sylwia Mrozowska, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, University of Gdańsk
- Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, University of Gdańsk
- Krzysztof Szczepaniak, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Gdańsk
9.15–10.30 Opening Plenary
Sustainability science and interdisciplinary perspectives
- “Our Vision for Sustainability” Mark Mifsud, University of Malta
- “Universities and their engagement in achieving the sustainable development goals: The Spanish case” Manuel Larrán Jorge, University of Cadiz
10.30–10:45 Award ceremony for Gendering Research
The award will be presented by Krzysztof Bielawski, Director of the University Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Research.
10.45–11.00 Coffee break
11.00–13:00 Parallel panel sessions
13.00–14:00 Lunch
14.00–16.00 Four round table and poster presentations for students (PhD, MA, BA)
The conference will include discussions with young researchers, moderated by experienced researchers. We invite students (PhD, MA, BA) to submit presentations in line with the 4 round table pillars of sustainable development.
16.00–17.00 Conference summary with discussion
- Sylwia Mrozowska, UG
- Krzysztof Szczepaniak, UG
Guests will be welcomed by Sebastian Tyrakowski – Deputy Director of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia
10:00-10:30 Project presentation: Narratives of sustainable development. Polish perspective
10:30-11:30 Panel session: Sustainable Polish? Narratives of sustainable development
Chair: Michał Pruszak, University of Gdańsk
- Maksymilian Bochenek, Emigration Museum in Gdynia
- Przemysław Gębal, University of Gdańsk
- Marek Pandera, Trinity College University of Dublin
- Wojciech Stachura, Miniatura Theatre
- Irena Chawrilska, University of Gdańsk
10:30-11:30 Networking
The project “Narratives of Sustainable Development – Poland’s Perspective” is funded by NAWA within the framework of the Polish Language Promotion Program. The project is carried out in cooperation with Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin.

11:30-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-13:00 Visit: Emigration Museum in Gdynia
14:00-16:00 Panel session: Sustainable development in research
- “Normative approach in political science as an element of sustainable science and higher education” Arkadiusz Modrzejewski, University of Gdansk,
- “Analysis of research on the concept of climate migrant” Anita Adamczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- “Ukrainian refugees with disabilities in Poland – situation: intersecting problems of integration and public health system” Dorota Kowalewska, University of Szczecin, University of Gdańsk
- “Effectiveness in achieving sustainable development goals at local level” Krzysztof Szczepaniak, University of Gdańsk
- “Corporate social governance and academic social governance – building the bridges on the way to sustainability”, Magdalena Markiewicz, University of Gdańsk
- “The role of Sustainable Development in sociological research – example of interviews with patients under the hospice care” Weronika Kamińska
- “Future Humanities: Health, Environment, Community” Irena Chawrliska, University of Gdańsk
- “Challenges related to migration research”, Elżbieta Czapka, University of Gdańsk
- “Perception of environmental crisis among teachers and students: methodological challenges” Barbara Kijewska, Dawid Weisbrodt, University of Gdańsk
- “The role of wind energy in Poland’s energy transition”, Sylwia Mrozowska, University of Gdańsk
- “Determinants of the energy transformation in Poland”, Bartosz Duraj, University of Gdańsk
The International Scientific Conference “Science and Education for Sustainable Development” is co-funded by the Minister of Education and Science within the framework of the “Excellent Science” program.
Scientific Committee
Prof. Maria Jesus Mosquera Diaz, University of Cádiz
Prof. Manuel Larrán Jorge, University of Cádiz
Prof. Mark Mifsud, University of Malta
Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, University of Gdańsk
Bożena Matusiak, Associate Professor, University of Lodz
Sylwia Mrozowska, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk
Anna Maria Jurkowska-Zeidler, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk
Dorota Pyć, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk
Monika Bąk, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk
Barbara Pawłowska, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk
Joanna Morawska, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Krzysztof Szczepaniak, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Irena Chawrilska, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Barbara Kijewska, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Elżbieta Czapka, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Dawid Weisbrodt, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk
Contact details
Bartosz Duraj
Secretary of the conference organizing committee
Science and Education for Sustainable Development
The Centre for Sustainable Development