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Prof Esperazna Diaz on increasing migrants’ access to information on vaccines
"When you don't have good information, you begin to make [...]
Identifying and supporting victims of human trafficking. Two days of IOM training
Students and doctoral students from the University of Gdansk participated [...]
“Cosmophilosophy”. First seminar with Prof. Rick Dolphijn
On Nature and Humanity - this was the topic of [...]
Visit of guests from the Senior Support Centre at the Faculty of Biology
On Thursday, 1 February 2024 at the UG Faculty [...]
The BUP Student Conference: Changed circumstances and new threats for sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region
The Baltic University Programme’s Coordinating Secretariat at Uppsala University and [...]
Cosmophilosophy. Thinking Science & Society Out of Order. Seminar Series at the University of Gdansk
Prof Rick Dolphijn from Utrecht University will participate in the [...]